AMEP Students’ Stunning Artworks on Display at Darwin Exhibition

Each year AMEP students at Palmerston enter their artwork in Darwin Community Legal Service’s Human Rights Art Awards & Exhibition “Rights On Show.” Now in its 27th year, the DCLS is an event led and facilitated by Darwin Community Legal Service annually, In 2023, the United Nations (UN) have declared the International Year of Dialogue […]
Sewing with Heart: STEPS Casuarina and Palmerston’s Compassionate Community

The STEPS Casuarina and Palmerston sewing groups are crafting a meaningful impact. With four key focuses, they seamlessly blend creativity with charity. In a relaxed space, the sewing group chat, enhancing language skills and numerical proficiency-a side benefit of sewing. The group also learn about native Australian wildlife, crafting pouches for orphaned joeys. Wildcare‘s Lesley […]
Successful Open Day at STEPS Casuarina

Congratulations on the successful STEPS Open Day at Casuarina on 8th September 2023. Over 40 participants and service providers joined this event immersing in fun and informative activities. We kicked off with an information session where AMEP and SEE programs were introduced to all participants with photos showcasing the wonderful learning experience STEPS Casuarina has […]
From War Torn South Sudan to New Hope in Alice Springs

Refugee Week is celebrated June 16-22, it’s a time to celebrate refugees’ contributions to our society and to raise awareness and learn through their stories. Most days in Alice Springs locals can see an African man pushing trolleys at their local Coles Supermarket, while Ruben says it can be a tiring job, it’s one he’s […]