COVID 19 Response

COVID-19 Response

STEPS Group is taking the threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19) seriously and is concerned for all members of our community.

We have convened a specialist team to manage our response to the virus. We are monitoring the situation closely, following the advice of the Federal Department of Health and state and territory governments, and planning for a range of scenarios across our services.

The safety of our students, clients, staff and communities we service remains our top priority.

STEPS are a mission critical organisation, delivering essential services to vulnerable community members.

We are actively adapting our service delivery to adhere with social distancing and increased hygiene guidelines across all STEPS services and entities to support our clients, students and staff.

We continue to work with all government agencies and partners to provide a considered, caring and cautious response to this evolving situation.

STEPS’ response to the impacts of COVID-19 is being reviewed daily.

STEPS’ response aims to:

  • Prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our customers, clients, students, staff and communities we service
  • Adhere to the advice as provided by the public health authorities
  • Clarify the responsibilities of STEPS during the COVID-19 pandemic event
  • Ensure coordinated, consistent communication with clients, staff, community and stakeholders
  • Provide support for questions, concerns and enquiries