4 ways pets can boost your wellbeing

Give your pet an extra pat today because your four-legged friend could be helping to improve and maintain your wellbeing. Check out the 4 ways that pets can boost your wellbeing and keep you in good health. Pets reduce stress and anxiety Studies show that patting your pet can have a calming effect on pet […]
6 ways to boost your wellbeing now

Low mood? Here are 6 mood boosting things you can do today! Get your zzz’s Sleep plays a key role in both your physical and mental wellbeing. A continued lack of sleep can negatively affect many functions, including your immune system and learning and decision-making abilities. Sleep needs vary for different people, however in general […]
Healthy living key to healthy mind

Healthy living to a healthy mind was the message of the day at STEPS’ inaugural Health and Wellbeing Expo, an event aimed at promoting mental health awareness and recovery. The expo showcased support services from the Sunshine Coast region, along with businesses from the health sector in a bid to promote the benefits health living […]
STEPS help pave a promising future for young people with a disability

Beginning the journey into the big wide world of employment is a daunting thought for many teenagers. For a young person with a disability this notion can be even more stressful as they tackle extra barriers on their pathway to independence. But our children’s future is also very stressful for parents, and it was this […]
People with a disability provide loyal workforce in age of job hopping

The job and recruitment market has changed fairly dramatically over the last decade as the tendency for job hopping increases. While the baby boomers happily spent a lifetime working with one or a handful of businesses, the average time spent with a single employer is now only a little over 4 years, and that is […]
Carers urged to take a break for national Carers Week

Carers were given a boost of support this week in regional Queensland with carers expos held in Gympie and Kingaroy for national Carers Week. STEPS Care for Carers organised the expos and were joined by more than 54 stall holders who turned up to help raise awareness of the services available to carers. The theme […]