Improving Heart Health and Connecting with the Casuarina Community, One Step at a Time

Skills for Education & Employment and Adult Migrant English Program students kicked off their first group walking session to promote heart health…
Daryl Uses Certificate III in Business to Secure Job with NT Government

After completing a Certificate III in Business through the Skills for Education and Employment program, Daryl has successfully secured employment.
Windy Upskills Quickly, Ready to earn Certificate III in Individual Support Through SEE Program

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE program) student Windy, has managed to make significant strides in their studies since starting….
Introducing a magnificent mural at STEPS in Cairns!

Using applied learning Skills for Education and Employment participants have collaborated on a 12m long mural. Throughout the project particip….
Mural paints STEPS to success for Cairns Skills for Education and Employment Program participants

A vibrant and colourful mural painted by STEPS Skills for Education and Employment Program (SEE) Program participants has been unveiled in a special event in Cairns
STEPS Group Empowers Communities with Expanded Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program

STEPS announces expansion of its successful Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program, following the award of a significant contract from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.