STEPS Work Mates Client Wins Goal Kicker Participant of the Year at 2024 Tasmanian Disability Awards

Nikolaos Moutsatsos has been named Goal Kicker Participant of the Year at the 2024 Tasmanian Disability Awards. The STEPS Work Mates….
STEPS Work Mates Creates Opportunity for Tasmanian

Tasmanian Disability Employment Services (DES) and STEPS Work Mates client Nikolaos (Niko) recently completed work experience with Subway Hobart, to enhance his confidence, gain valuable workplace skills, and a taste for his dream role.
Successful Employment With Local Community Centre

DES client Lorraine has successfully found employment with supports from STEPS. Through their journey Lorraine has overcome hardships
Seth Gains Interpersonal Skills and Employment Opportunities through Work Mates

In just a short time with STEPS Seth has already achieved a great deal. Seth started out as a quiet and reserved young man who had trouble to even make eye contact when talking to others. After spending some time in our Work Mates Program and Disability Employment Service (DES), Seth has improved in both verbal and interpersonal skills. […]