When considering employing a person with a disability, employers throughout Queensland will soon have the opportunity to be better informed.
A new “Employer Resource Kit” developed by Queensland-based National Disability Coordination Officers (NDCOs), driven by STEPS is breaking new ground in disability awareness and understanding within the business community. funded NDCO program.
From the temperate Torres Strait Islands to the winter chill of Warwick, STEPS two Queensland-based National Disability Coordination Officers (NDCOs) continue to make a difference. STEPS NDCOs, Debbie Rooskov and Gary Travers, represent two of the five regions in Queensland, however STEPS’ combined area of representation spreads over half of the State.
Debbie said that the Employer Resource Kit will provide a comprehensive guide to the benefits of employing people with disabilities including tips and information that will help employers accommodate their staff. “This CD will be promoted to all Disability Employment providers and to employer groups, and we encourage everyone to burn the CD and use it when marketing to employer groups. We know it will be a useful tool,” Debbie said.
The NDCO program works towards building links between education, training and employment sectors so that people with a disability have assistance at all levels. More information is available at the NDCO Website.