
Update – STEPS Trek for Autism presented by The Fleet Office

March 27, 2020
2 minute read

An update for our valued supporters and amazing STEPS Autism Treehouse community:
It is with a heavy heart that we write this news.

Like all organisations within the events industry,  STEPS Autism Treehouse is facing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, our highest priority is the safety and well-being of our supporters, team and community.

In this ever-changing situation, along with guidance from the public health authorities we have made the decision to cancel the 2020 STEPS Trek for Autism presented by The Fleet Office.

We are devastated that the cancellation of our much loved event will directly impact our ability to provide support to our community through access to resources, like skills programs, education and social events.

While this is disappointing for both you and us, please be assured that anyone who has registered can request a full refund or roll over their ticket to next year’s event. We have sent emails to each person who has registered for the event with update information.

Of course we want to see everyone at next year’s STEPS Trek for Autism which will take place on May 2, 2021.

In these difficult times the world is experiencing, we are thankful that we are powered by the STEPS Autism Treehouse community, our tribe is strong and made up of the best kind of humans there are.

Let’s continue to celebrate the amazing joy that autism brings to our lives, we can all help to support each other – even from 1.5m away! 

We will continue to monitor and update you on any changes on STEPS Autism Treehouse events as they come to hand.

For more information about the current health warnings please visit www.health.qld.gov.au

Thank you for your incredible support, see you at the trek next year!

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