With teamwork the theme of the day, around 50 staff and clients came together to share a relaxed morning tea at STEPS George Street campus this morning.
For many STEPS staff it was the first opportunity to meet new fellow team members after Link In Association Sunshine Coast Inc. became part of the STEPS Group in February this year. They also welcomed the opportunity to meet clients of the new STEPS Link In Services, with several commenting that such an opportunity really invigorated the pride that they felt in working for an organisation that has such a positive influence on the lives of so many people.
Members of STEPS executive team, including Managing Director Carmel Crouch, also attended and were very pleased with the turn out. “It was just fabulous to see everyone together” said Carmel, “it is especially important for our new staff to feel like they are part of a united team and of course for our clients to feel comfortable that there will be no change to the quality service that they receive.”
The event was a huge success with a record number of clients attending and plenty of smiles all round.