We are excited to announce that STEPS Palmerston in Darwin recently started managing a community garden called Harvest Corner alongside two other community groups, HPA Helping People Achieve and Life Without Barriers. The garden project has been granted $20,000 funding from Palmerston City Council over three years, allowing members to transform the space to help improve their health and wellbeing, engage with each other and nature, and be active and learn new skills.
We are so proud to have our Adult English Migrant Program (AMEP) students as members of the garden as it helps provide a sense of community. The students visit the garden once a week as part of their activity day and tend the garden early in the morning before completing a range of other activities.
The official opening day of the garden was an incredible event which included a bucking bull ride, facepainting, craft activities and a native plants giveaway. There was also breakfast in the park catered for by the amazing volunteers at Palmerston Lions NT.
Thank you to everyone who supported the opening event, including Palmerston City Council who hosted the day.
We can’t wait to see how this beautiful space helps to transform the community and the growth and development opportunities it will offer to our STEPS Palmerston students.
Do you want to learn more about our AMEP program or enrol? Click here (Adult Migrant English Program – STEPS Group Australia (stepsamep.com.au)) for more information.